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Topic Reading-Vol.3465/10/6/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Overseas fans banned from 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics

The Tokyo Summer Games were held inside empty stadiums due to COVID-19 precautions, which disappointed the athletes and fans in Japan and from abroad, sponsors who made a substantial investment, and Japan’s Olympic Organization that lost ticket revenues. And furthermore, the decision was made at the very last minute so that staff, volunteers, and supporting institutions were all screwed. The confusion seemed to have been caused by Japan’s easy-going, populism politics.

Now, China is hosting the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in the coming winter. The nation is implementing the zero-tolerant policy towards Covid-19, imposing a 21-day quarantine on all incoming travelers from abroad (Vol.3464), and has no intention to loosen it for the international sports event. In the meantime, they want to make the event as exciting as they can for the athletes, fans, and sponsors while meeting the financial requirements, ticket sales. How? They will allow only fully vaccinated participates to enter the country and move around under a closed-loop management system. They can move freely but they will be tested daily just like all the other domestic participants and workforce who run and support the event. As for the fans, no spectators from abroad are allowed but those who live in Mainland China. So, the stadiums and event venues will be filled but only with Chinese fans. This way, they can host the event in a way almost as same as usual Olympic games. They can sell tickets as usual, and sponsors can expect good visibility. More importantly, China made the decision months before the event so that all the people and organizations concerned can plan and prepare for the event in advance. A lesson seems to have been learned well.

Enjoy reading the article about how the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games are going to be held.

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