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Topic Reading-Vol.3480/10/21/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

New findings a 'complete reversal' in understanding why Earth became hospitable to life and its 'twin' didn't

Compared to other planets of our solar system, the Earth and Venus are nearly identical in several aspects, such as mass, diameter, density, and gravity, though the latter is the least habitable planet because of the temperature. As Venus orbits much more closely to the Sun than the Earth does, it is of course more heated by the Sun. But why Venus’s surface temperature reaches over 400 degrees Celsius, which is even hotter than Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun? And why do such identical planets have distinctive differences in surface and atmospheric conditions? One key factor is Venus’s slow rotation, which takes 2,800 hours or 116 days. This makes one side of the planet always faces the Sun and the other side unlit by the Sun. Also, there was a time when the Sun was dimmer, which gave the planets the chance to cool the temperatures to make the water in the air liquid, rain, and form oceans. Getting interested?

Enjoy reading the article and learn about the differences between our planet and neighboring planet hundreds of millions of years ago.

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