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Topic Reading-Vol.1894-6/18/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
You can teach yourself a risk taker
Which do you think gives you more assurance for tomorrow, keeping the way you’ve lived in or taking on a new challenge?
This question may sound controversial but the answers seem to be clearly divided depending on the business and environment. For example, if you’ve been farming rice or wheat for years, you probably prefer to adopt new methods or tools time to time to improve productivity rather than changing the way you know works at once. But if you work in Silicon Valley or Bengaluru, staying where you are means you’re left behind as others are taking risks to reap forward.
Another question is what drives one to take risks to initiate a new business or materialize a new idea because not everyone is a natural born entrepreneur.
Enjoy reading the article and think if you want to try something that you’ve wanted to do but haven’t.

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