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Topic Reading-Vol.1885-6/9/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
6 Silk Road secrets: Traveling in Central Asia's Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
Among the seven “stans,” Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan lie along the northern route of the ancient Silk Road. Things popular in one place are often more appreciated in other places, especially in ancient times when transporting such valuable items took time and risks, and could cost even lives.
Though there were times when foreign powers ruled the region like the Soviet Union, cities in these central Asian countries have kept ancient monuments and architectures, and old traditions and lifestyles along with modern buildings and transportations.
Things seem to be moving not as fast as the other part of the world. It may be worthwhile applying visas to enter and experience these historical and monumental “Stans” before it’s too late.
Enjoy seeing the photos of things and places in Central Asia.

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