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Topic Reading-Vol.237-12/4/2012

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Birth rule could be relaxed in China.
The rapidly aging country is now considering easing family planning rules, not at once but region by region or city by city.
Only parents who themselves are an only child have been allowed to have another child in China. Now, their average fertility rate stands at as low as 1.7, well below the replacement level of 2.1, their demographic and gender balance is in trouble, especially for the young males who are having difficulty finding their mates because many parents prefer to have a boy instead of a girl and as a result, there are much fewer young females than young males in China.
The question is, those who are allowed to have a second child will be willing to have another ones?
Enjoy reading and learning how the most populous country is trying to manage its population and demographic balance.

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