
Topic Reading-Vol.4023-4/30/2023

Dear MEL Topic Readers,  
Accelerating melt of ice sheets now 'unmistakable'
Sea-level rise is caused by several factors, such as melting ice sheets, meltwaters from glaciers, and thermal expansion of water, all of which are affected by global warming. According to satellite data taken in the last three decades, over 7,500 billion tons of ice sheet has melted in Greenland and Antarctica, having raised sea levels by 21 mm, approximately a quarter of all sea-level rise. The problem is that the ice sheet melt is contributing to the sea level rise five times more than it did three decades ago, and accelerating even further. The majority of the ice sheet melting is occurring in Greenland and the peninsula region and the western part of Antarctica, relatively warmer than the elevated inland. As global warming worsens, more ice is going to melt in the colder regions in Greenland and Antarctica. How much sea level rise, climate change, and environmental and bio-diversity destruction are we going to witness and suffer in the next decade and beyond?
Read the article about the latest analysis of global warming.

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