
Topic Reading-Vol.4018-4/25/2023

Dear MEL Topic Readers,  
The clean energy milestone the world is set to pass in 2023
Our planet has already passed the tipping point in terms of global warming. The tipping point means the time or timing at which a change or effect is no longer reversible. It often occurs during a transition phase from old to new technologies. For example, the power of trains had shifted from steam to diesel or electricity long ago, meaning it had passed the tipping point. However, even though electric vehicles are becoming more popular these days, many more gasoline-powered vehicles are still being sold. So, it’ll take some more years to pass the tipping point. Once a tipping point is passed, the shift or trend is accelerated and become irreversible, like global warming. There are several factors to make a remarkable transition to a new method or technology, such as the economy, convenience, availability, and awareness. Now, the world seems to pass a critical tipping, or turning point in renewable energy this year, according to a think tank in London. This means despite the growing demand for electricity, the power sector as a whole is not expected to emit more greenhouse gas. Yes, there still are coal and gas power plants and even more to be built, but expansion in renewable energies like solar and wind is going to surpass the growth in demand. That’s good news. Then, when will the tipping point arrive for non-fuel cars to outsell conventional fuel vehicles?
Enjoy reading the article and learning about a good tipping point in the power sector.

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