
Topic Reading-Vol.4022-4/29/2023

Dear MEL Topic Readers,  
An elephant living in a Berlin zoo learns how to peel a banana
Elephants are the largest existing land animals. Asian, African bush, and African forest elephants are the three living species. The most remarkable part of the elephant is the trunk. It consists of around 150,000 muscle units, the most sensitive organ found in any animal. Recently, carers of an Asian elephant in Berlin Zoo found that the elephant peeled bananas. Then researchers observed and discovered that she peels bananas by using her trunk to tear the peel open and then throws the banana to the ground to free it. Interestingly, she pees neither fresh, yellow bananas nor over-ripen brown ones but does so only brownish bananas. Elephants do love bananas but they also seem to enjoy eating good ones more. Since their lifespans range from 50 to 70 years, they learn from experience and adapt to the changing environment, especially the ones under human influences. Life is about learning.
Enjoy watching the video and reading the article to learn about how elephants use their mighty yet sensitive trunks.

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