
Topic Reading-Vol.4020-4/27/2023

Dear MEL Topic Readers,  
Why ghost guns are America's fastest-growing gun problem
These days, gun control is getting even more difficult in America. In 2021, the ATF, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, seized over 460,000 conventional guns from crime scenes, as well as nearly 20,000 ghost guns. Ghost guns are unsterilized and untraceable firearms that can be bought online and assembled by anyone, including prohibited purchasers, domestic abusers, and gun traffickers without a background check. They are often sold through ghost gun kits, which include all of the parts and often the equipment necessary to build these weapons, at gun shows and online every day throughout the country. While the federal and state administrations have been trying to mandate a serious number to be included in the key parts of ghost guns, the use of such easily procured and assembled weapons has been increasing. In fact, the number of crimes with ghost guns has increased by over 10 folds since 2021. And this problem isn’t limited to the US.  As 3D printing technology improves, the use of 3D-printed firearms, though they aren’t as durable as conventional metal guns, has been spreading outside the USA. Guns are lethal and dangerous as they can be fired by anyone by intention or accident.
Read the article and learn about what ghost guns are about.

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