
Topic Reading-Vol.3996-4/3/2023

Dear MEL Topic Readers,  
Food pods and vertical farming could help us grow crops on Mars
Vertical farming grows crops in vertically stacked layers under a controlled environment including lighting, temperature, humidity, and watering. It uses nutrient-rich water straight to a plant’s roots, which uses much less water and fertilizer than conventional outdoor agriculture while creating much less waste. Since the environment and nutrients are fully under control in vertical farming, what plants and where they are grown are at the grower’s discretion. In fact, there is the world’s largest vertical farming facility in Dubai, UAE that produces a thousand tons of crops annually. If vertical farming can produce that many plants in such a harsh desert environment, it might be able to do the same on Mars, our next frontier. Interestingly, NASA is considering if vertical farming could help feed astronauts on the red planet, where there is 100 times thinner air, half sunlight, and no fresh water. Whether vertical farming will grow plants on Mars or not, it is expected to provide environmentally friendly agricultural produce even in extremely arid, cold, or hot places on Earth.
Enjoy reading the article and learn how to feed people on Mars.

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