
Topic Reading-Vol.4002-4/9/2023

Dear MEL Topic Readers,  
Isle of Wight cow 'faking sleep' attracts global sympathy
Dairy cows are cattle bred to produce milk. They are kept in herds or dairy farms, cared for, and collected milk by dairy farmers. Dairy cows produce milk for about 10 months after calving. Then they can take a two-month break before calving again. Though dairy cows could produce milk economically for as many as 10 lactations, most of them are culled only after a few lactations in commercial farms for various reasons, such as infertility, infection prevention, and productivity. In general, milk cows enjoy the milking process. They are put into a parlor and attached to suction tubes to gently pull the milk from the teats. If a milk cow isn’t milked too long, milk will build up in her udder, causing it to become full, which causes her to become uncomfortable. However, not all dairy cows are the same. There is a milk cow on a farm on the Isle of Wight in England that doesn’t want to be milked early in the morning. In fact, she pretends to be asleep to get out of being milked. The cow’s pretending of being asleep was filmed and Tik-Toked, and then went viral. The farmer thinks the cow is more like a person than a cow.
Enjoy reading the article and seeing the video of a milk cow that tried to avoid early morning milking.

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