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Topic Reading-Vol.505-8/29/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
China announces end date for taking prisoners' organs.
Taking internal organs from executed prisoners for transplants is a highly controversial topic especially in a country where over thousands of prisoners are estimated to be executed every year and the justice system doesn’t seem to be as independent as other established countries.
China has been using “donated organs of executed prisoners” for transplants but recently admitted such practice and announced to cease it within the next several years because those organs of the executed prisoners are more likely to be infected by some disease which could cause long term affects to those who are undergone the transplant.
Here is a question. Is it acceptable to use a dead prisoner’s organ to save someone else’s life provided that an execution is something that is usually scheduled, which does offer a great convenience to prepare for a transplant but it also could create a chance to be traded, not to mention the possibility that the prisoner might have not been notified his or her donating the organ(s)?
Enjoy reading and thinking about the practice and discipline.

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