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Topic Reading-Vol.483-8/7/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
China starts work on world's tallest building.
Only less than a year left for the 828-meter Burj Khalifa in Dubai to claim as the world tallest building as a new skyscraper is now under construction in Changsha in central China, which is going to stand 838 meters tall from the ground. What’s more surprising is that the new top-of-the-world skyscraper is projected to be completed its construction in April, 2014, only within nine months after it was announced in July, 2013. How could that happen?
Enjoy reading the article and seeing the video of the staggering pre-fabricated method to build such a tall building at a speed faster than the time between seeding and harvesting crops.
Also, enjoy learning the fact that there will be over 1,000 skyscrapers, taller-than-152-meter building, have been completed, being constructed and planned by 2000 in China.

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