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Topic Reading-Vol.494-8/18/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
India aircraft carrier: New Delhi launches first home-built carrier.
Another aircraft career by growing power in Asia, this time India. China commissioned one last year that had been purchased from Ukraine, the former Soviet Union, back in 1999,  refurbished it secretively themselves, and finally commissioned it last year. They are also building ones of their own. Indian navy actually bought one from its former sovereign state, the Britain, in 1987 that has been commissioned as its flagship ever since. The country has been building one of their own and has launched it this month which is due to be commissioned in 2018. But why do those countries want to have such an expensive ship not only to build, maintain and operate but also requires extensive supportive vessels for active duties?
Enjoy reading and learning what aircraft carrier means to the navy. 


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