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Topic Reading-Vol.500-8/24/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
European forests near 'carbon saturation point'.
Before working on ‘carbon saturation point’, you may want to study what ‘carbon cycle’ is. It is the process by which carbon is transferred between land, sea and the atmosphere.
The next term you may be interested in checking before reading this 500th anniversary topic reading is ‘carbon sink.’ It is a natural or artificial reservoir that accumulates and stores some carbon-containing chemical compound for some time.
A recent study suggests that forests in Europe are getting reduced and old, thus they seem not to be able to absorb as much CO2 as being produced in the near future.
The good news is they have a place and an organization to tackle this problem beyond borders of the countries in the continent. But what about other part of the world such as Asia, South America or Africa? Are they or will they be able to study, discuss and come up with solutions?
Enjoy reading and learning about nearly present and clear problem of our planet.
Lastly but not the least, your continuous or even occasional, reading of MEL School’s Topic Reading is very much appreciated. 500 topics have been archived since the beginning of this project and more will be introduced in the future. So, please keep enjoying reading and learning.

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