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Topic Reading-Vol.4187-10/11/2023

Dear MEL Topic Readers, 
Alien life in Universe: Scientists say finding it is 'only a matter of time'
Are we alone in the universe? Most of us think there may be someone, somewhere. Although there was no evidence of planets orbiting other stars three decades ago, over 5,000 exoplanets have been discovered and studied since then. 59 of them are orbiting in the habitable zone, or Goldilocks zone where it is not too cold or hot liquid water for water to exist on the surface of a planet or moon. How do scientists and astronomers find and study distant planets that are light years away? (Note: one light year is 9.5 trillion kilometers) Also, they are studying the habitability within our solar system. Europa, one of the moons orbiting Jupiter, and Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, are thought to have liquid water even though they are out of the habitable zone. In the early 2030s, space probes are scheduled to arrive at Europa to examine the icy moon. Will we ever find signs or evidence of aliens on distant planets in the near future?
Enjoy reading the article and learning about technologies and projects in search of alien life.

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