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Topic Reading-Vol.3420/8/22/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

What happens to your brain when you give up sugar

Are you addicted to sugar? Knowingly or unknowingly, people in economically developed, or even developing countries take more sugar than they think because it is added to many processed and prepared foods, such as cereals, bread, and junk food. Also, many drinks are rich in sugar, such as sodas, teas, and café latte. Sugar has a rewarding stimulus to your brain, which tends to drive you to take it repeatedly. That’s why many people find it difficult to resist sweet temptations, or even causing depression, anxiety, brain fog, and cravings, alongside headaches, fatigue and dizziness if they try to reduce sugar intake too much. In fact, sugar is not only just a rewarding chemical but also a kind of carbohydrate that is needed for your body and brain. But taking it too much could cause weight problems and/or diabetes. So, when you want to reduce sugar intake, do it properly because it is needed for your physical and mental health.

Enjoy reading the article and learn about how sugar works in your body and brain.

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