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Topic Reading-Vol.3409-8/11/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Is water always the best choice on a hot day?

What to drink and how to drink makes a significant difference to keep our body hydrated properly. If you keep working outside at a hot temperature, your body needs a constant supply of not just water but also salt. If you keep just drinking water, your body tries to get rid of water by producing urine to keep the water-salt balance. In that case, a sports drink or even milk is recommended. But if you’re sitting in an air-conditioned space and don’t get sweat so much, you should avoid taking unnecessary ingredients or calories with fluid. Also, drinking fluid at once may simply produce more urine because the water simply passes through the body without hydrating it. So, the key to stay hydrated properly is to keep taking an adequate amount of suitable fluid for your body during the day. But make sure to avoid sugary drinks as we tend to have too much sugar in processed foods nowadays.

Enjoy reading the article and learn about the hydration mechanism of our body.

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