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Topic Reading-Vol.3145-11/20/2020

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Covid: India's festival season doesn't stop for coronavirus

This year’s Diwali started on November 14th and finished just yesterday. The five-day-long festival is one of the most popular festivals of Hinduism. It is to celebrate the triumph of good over evil, purity over impurity, and light over darkness. It is a very exciting and colorful holiday. Homes are cleaned to welcome the New Year and windows are opened so that the Hindu goddess of wealth can enter. Fireworks and firecrackers are set off to scare off evil spirits. Presents are given and special holiday food is prepared and exchanged. New clothes and jewelry are worn for parties where people gather, talk, and dance together. Sounds like a traditional and ceremonial festival that gives people the chance to celebrate and enjoy together. But this year, that is the problem because of the coronavirus pandemic. As the number of confirmed cases has been rising rapidly in the subcontinent, it is concerned that the festival could spread the virus even more. However, since India is the world’s largest democratic state, any drastic measure that could undermine the heat or joy of the festival seems to have been disregarded. The total cost of the festival is going to be shown in around a week or so.

Enjoy watching the video and learn how massive India’s ceremonies are.

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