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Topic Reading-Vol.3135-11/10/2020

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Indians asked to eat more sugar to tackle oversupply

It is not surprising that a certain industry promotes its products especially when they have surpluses. But running a campaign to promote sugar consumption sounds very controversial these days as sugar is usually considered unhealthy. Now, India, the world’s largest sugar producing country with nearly a 20% market share created too much sugar surpluses to consume domestically or export internationally as it had increased sugar farmland and also improved yields. Even though the populous country consumes more sugar than any other country as a whole, per-person sugar consumption is way below the world average. So, it may not be such a bad idea to encourage people to use more sugar in their food and drinks. Another way to utilize the excess sugar supply is to convert it to ethanol as fuel. The industry is hoping to increase ethanol production by over 50% next year. That seems like a better and healthier way to promote sugar usage because such an increase in sugar consumption would certainly create health problems.

Read the article and learn about India’s bitter problem caused by the natural sweetener.

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