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Topic Reading-Vol.2388-10/25/2018

Dear MEL Topic Readers
Not exercising worse for your health than smoking, diabetes and heart disease, study reveals
What’s your lifestyle like? Do you sit on a sofa to read or watch TV most of your free time, or move your eyeballs and index finger on the smartphone display whenever you can? According to a new study, these sorts of sedentary lifestyle were found worse to one’s health and life expectancy than most chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular problems, even smoking.
In the study, researchers studied 122,000 patients in a US hospital over two decades. What makes this research unique is that instead of relying on self-reporting patients’ exercise, all the patients were tested their fitness levels by undergoing exercise treadmill testing.
The results are astonishing. Those who indulge a sedentary lifestyle seem to suffer diseases at a much higher rate than those who are fit, men or women at any age. The researchers suggest that those who are unfit should get a doctor’s prescription, which doesn’t cost any; Exercise.
You know all these, don’t you? Do you need to be a prescription?
Enjoy reading and think if you are fit, unfit or between. Then, prescribe yourself proper physical exercise.

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