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Topic Reading-Vol.2342-9/9/2018

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Dozens of elephants killed near Botswana wildlife sanctuary
The Republic of Botswana locates north of South Africa. The nation has been democratically governed since its establishment about 50 years ago and perceived least corrupted ranking in Africa for the last two decades. It has diverse areas of wildlife habitat in the delta, desert areas, grasslands, and savannas.
While the rest of the continent has seen a drastic decrease in the wild elephant population due to poaching for ivory, Botswana has been regarded as their last sanctuary with 130,000 elephants because of the tight protection by their armed and well-managed anti-poaching units.
However, all of a sudden, the anti-poaching units were disarmed in May this year when the new president took the office. Now can you imagine what has been happening to the elephants?
Read the article and learn what a single decision could threaten the conservation of endangered wildlife spices.

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