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Topic Reading-Vol.1612-9/9/2016

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
UK girls becoming more unhappy – study
There are always pros and cons to new media.
Social media surely removes barriers between genders, ages groups, or places. It allows children to get access to any photos or articles that are presented by and for adults. They therefore naturally get in touch with the issues for grownups, such as weight, appearance, relationships and jobs. And they become worried by comparing themselves with those shown in the media. How do I look?
That’s what researchers found through the annual survey conducted among 40,000 households across the UK. It found that girls are more worried about how they look than before while the responses from boys showed no significant change.
May be boys are more excited and interested to do things like sports or games rather than fashion or appearance.
Enjoy reading and thinking if you’ve noticed considerable change in the attitudes among young children around you.

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