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Topic Reading-Vol.1627-9/24/2016

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Jane Goodall's latest mission to save chimpanzees
Educate people to save chimps. That sounds a little odd, doesn’t it?
But when a once-forested area is inhabited and farmed without limitation or consideration to the environment, the area becomes uninhabitable for primates that depends their lives on the forest. Then they are divided to small groups that are sustainable enough to live in limited space where they can find food. But when the size of such groups becomes too small, they’ll face difficulty to maintain genetic and social diversity of the species. In order to protect the population of wild animals, humans need to learn what good not only for themselves but also for other inhabitants in and around the area.
That’s why Jane Goodall, a renowned primatologist and animal right activist, set up a micro-funding program to finance the poor farmers in Tanzania. When they earn more, women and children receive education. When they are educated, they become more conscious of their environment while, interestingly, shrinking their family size. Thus, the more forest could be protected, or at least less forest is destroyed. It’s a long way to achieve the goal but a surer way to save chimps.
Enjoy reading and thinking if there is any short cut to do things in a sustainable way.

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