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Topic Reading-Vol.1502-5/22/2016

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
India to ban unofficial maps and satellite photos
Geospatial information. It is of or relating to the relative position of things on the earth's surface. They are used for maps in apps for smartphones and PCs. It is widely and openly available for anyone in anyplace. Without it, things that are possible and useful now such as location and navigation services and apps will no longer be available.
India, still an authoritative and bureaucratic state in today’s standard, is considering to make a law that requires anyone to own or use its geospatial images to ask for permission. That would create a substantial hassle to companies like Google and Apple that are using satellite images to create and show maps for their users.
What is the rationale behind it? Does it do any good to a country?
Enjoy reading and thinking if such a draft could become a law.

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