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Topic Reading-Vol.992-12/29/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
China on track for world's largest subway
Which subway system is the largest in the world? The answer depends on which measurement you look at, such as the total length, number of passengers, or number of stations. Here is the list of subway systems in the world.
Subway, or metro, system is essential for metropolitan cities to transport people to one place to another and also to smooth the traffic congestion on the ground while not emitting as much carbon emissions as other means of transportation such as cars and motorcycles.
When you look at China where both traffic congestion and air pollution are the major problems, the speed of expanding its metro systems is much faster than any other part or history in the world. The total length of the subway systems there will reach over 8,500 kilometers by the end of 2014. In order to operate such huge public transportation systems, safety and security must be the top priorities.
Enjoy reading and learning about how China is trying to manage its growing transportation systems.

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