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Topic Reading-Vol.984-12/21/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Hollywood's complete moral surrender
It is just an action-comedy movie yet has become a national security matter. Here is a brief storyline. When an actor and producer run the popular celebrity tabloid TV show, they discover that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is a fan of the show. So they land an interview with him in an attempt to legitimize themselves as journalists. As they prepare to travel to Pyongyang, their plans change when the CIA recruits them to assassinate Kim Jong-un. 
But a hacking group threatened the production company for potential harm should they distribute the already produced film and leaked their sensitive information to the public. Then movie theaters pulled back and the production company gave up the release.
Is that film so different from Charlie Chaplin’s “The Great Dictator” which was released in prior to Hitler’s aggression?
Enjoy reading and learning about this latest threat to the entertainment industry.

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