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Topic Reading-Vol.948-11/15/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
China, US unveil ambitious climate change goals
Indeed a breakthrough to one of the most serious and critical global challenges. Combined, China and the U.S. contribute 45% of the greenhouse gas emissions, 29% and 16% respectively. But they had never agreed or joined to the efforts to set and work for reduction targets of greenhouse gasses that EU and other countries have been working on under The United Nations Climate Change Conference.
At least, the agreement by the two largest greenhouse gasses contributors is a positive move towards the COP21 that will be held in Paris, France in 2015. However, is such a bilateral agreement without coordinating or consulting with others in the world an appropriate process? Are more global agenda going to be decided by the two giants? Will they be as influential as or even more influential than the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council, or P5?
Enjoy reading and learning about this historic move by the two giants.

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