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Topic Reading-Vol.495-8/19/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Raha Moharrak: First Saudi woman to conquer Everest and break taboos.
If you remember reading an article, in Vol. 407 on May 23 this year, about a woman from the ultra-conservative Islamic country reached the top of the world, you’ll find this issue is about the same woman but with more focus on before and after the climb.
She seems to be fortunate because it took only an email and three days to get an agreement for her ambitious challenge by her father who has a say on anything in her life as she hadn’t been, and still isn’t as of now, married yet. She also seems to be influential enough to have encouraged a young Saudi teenage-girl to ask her dad to buy her a bicycle.
If riding a bike or driving a car is so uncommon or un-Islamic, what would it take for a young unmarried Saudi woman to go to the beach in a swimming suit?
Enjoy reading and learning about their tradition in the modern day.


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