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Topic Reading-Vol.501-8/25/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
CIA acknowledges its mysterious Area 51 test site for first time.
How many of you believe there have been visitors or contacts from other planets to ours? Many suspected or believed so when reports of Unidentified Flying Objects - or UFOs - started to emerge from the desert near Las Vegas, Nevada in the middle of the 20th century. There were numerous photos, some were fake, appeared in the newspapers and on TV shows in those days and many people suspected that Area 51 was the place where contacts with extra terrestrial, also known as E.T., were made.
However, a newly declassified government report acknowledges the existence of Area 51 as a site to base secretive reconnaissance aircrafts such as U-2s and A-12s, whose moves and lights looked so differently from others that many supposed them as U.F.O., which in a sense correct because they looked unidentified flying objects.
Enjoy reading and learning how people got excited about what they saw (believed to see) in the sky about a half century ago in the 500th topic reading.

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