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Topic Reading-Vol.164-9/22/2012

Topic Reading-Vol.164-9/22/2012
Dear MEL School's Topic Readers,
Most Americans May Be Obese by 2030, Report Warns.
First, do you know how much your BMI, Body Mass Index, is now? It is easily calculated by dividing your weight by the square of your height; BMI=kilo/.
Second, do you know the definition of Overweight and Obesity? If one’s BMI is 25 or greater, he or she is overweight. If his or her BMI is 30 or larger, he or she is obesity.
Here is a new report that predicts how much percentage of Americans could be in that category, which could cause various diseases, raise medical costs and lower productivity by 2030.
And the biggest growing concern is youth’s obesity, which doesn’t seem to be a problem in any other developed countries.
Enjoy reading and learning about this rising trend in a country whose people are the wealthiest and are getting the fattest in the world.

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