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Topic Reading-Vol.4537-9/25/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers, 
Banana wine brings sweet taste of success to Malawi farmers
Bordered by Zambia, Tanzania, and Mozambique, Malawi is a small landlocked country in Southeastern Africa, about the same size as North Korea. Its GDP per capita, the total value of goods and services per person, is among the lowest in the world. Over 80% of the population is engaged in subsistence farming, and sellable agricultural products have been limited to tobacco, cotton, and tea. These days, global warming and extreme heating are ripening bananas faster, causing losses for banana farmers. So, in order to cope with climate change, banana farmers in northern Malawi formed a cooperative to make use of over-ripe bananas for business. Banana wine. They peel overripe bananas, cut them into small pieces, mix them with sugar, yeast, raisins, and water, and put lemons to cover the wine. The wine has a slightly sweet and fruity taste with a light lemon and banana flavor. As this innovative banana wine becomes popular, the cooperative is hoping to buy machines to increase production. What a sweet idea!
Read the article and learn what banana wine tastes like for customers and producers.

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