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Topic Reading-Vol.4534-9/22/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Astronauts reveal what life is like on ISS – and how they deal with 'space smell'
The International Space Station Program has been in operation for nearly 24 years. It orbits the Earth around every 93 minutes at an altitude of 400 kilometers. It brings together crews from space agencies, launch vehicles, flight operations, training, engineering, development facilities, communications networks, and the international scientific research community. As many as seven mission crew members stay and work on the 100-meter-long, 73-meter-wide space station for months. They spend their 8-hour sleep time in a sleeping compartment. Every five minutes of their day is scheduled and tasked by mission control on Earth. In the weightless environment, crew members must exercise for two hours each day to help maintain muscle strength and bone density. Then what about the air, smell, meals, toilet, and relations with fellow crew members from different nationalities, backgrounds, and specialties in the confined environment for months?
Read the article and learn how crew members spend days on the International Space Station.

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