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Topic Reading-Vol.4536-9/24/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Norway sees electric cars outnumber petrol models
Norway is rich in oil and natural gas, most of which is exported. It is the world's 5th largest oil exporter and 3rd largest natural gas exporter. In the meantime, it is one of the most progressive countries to reduce fossil-fuel vehicles on the roads. While other European countries are putting off the schedules to switch to zero-carbon vehicles, Norway is still on track to end the sale of new gas and diesel cars by 2025. In fact, most new cars sold in the country are already electric vehicles, and over half of the 2.8 million privately registered vehicles are now all-electric. Tax breaks along with free parking, tolls, and charging are some of the incentives to drive EVs, which are mostly funded by oil and natural gas exports. Can oil-rich Persian Gulf states do the same instead of just constructing skyscrapers and mega-airports?
Read the article and learn how Norway is switching to EVs so smoothly.

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