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Topic Reading-Vol.1281-10/14/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Digital dependence 'eroding human memory'
How many phone numbers do you remember? Do you think you need to remember any?
In today’s digital age, it is much more convenient and fast to look up information in your smart phone or from an Internet storage site. Actually, you don’t even need to look up a phone number, email address or contact ID when you call or chat with your smart phone.
A survey conducted in several European countries just simply confirmed how much people are depending on their IT devices or online services when they recall information. The result is so obvious that the more people depend on external device or source, the less they remember in their own memory. But that’s exactly the direction the whole world is moving forward, isn’t it? Children who are growing up with a smart phone are less likely to remember phone numbers, addresses or spelling because they don’t need to.
The researcher was concerned that people tend to forget information knowing that it can be retrieved easily, which could make people less likely to keep or develop long-term memory.
Enjoy reading and thinking if people should sharpen up their memories or their learning skills.

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