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Topic Reading-Vol.1276-10/9/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
The truth about pigs
How much do you know about pigs (not pork)?
Yes, they eat anything and everything. Yes, they wallow in mud. But are they really filthy and senseless what and how to eat?
It was found that when the wild boars in a zoo in Switzerland were given sliced apples that were covered with mud, they carried them to the nearby stream and washout the dirt off before they ate them. Sounds like a very decent eating manner they have, doesn’t it?
Also, unlike chimps that hunt monkeys to eat, pigs are mainly vegetarian. Yes, some domesticated pigs eat their feces occasionally in their congested home but wild rabbits eat their poos too for a second digestion.
Enjoy reading and learning the real world of pigs and align your of them.

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