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Topic Reading-Vol.890-9/18/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
First Formula E electric motor race held in Beijing
What’s Formula E car racing?
Most of you know Formula one racing. This car racing event takes place 19 cities in the world in 2014. This two-hour car racing with top speed exceeding 300 km/h is surely exciting without doubt. But there has been criticism fir burning massive gasoline and polluting already polluted air in major cities, especially having such an even in one of the most air-polluted cities, Beijing.
Here is a new car racing event to take that excitement but with greener energy, electricity. Although the racing drivers had to replace their cars during the race because the batteries didn’t last to complete the race, they competed fiercely at the top speed over 200 km/h. Furthermore, this green car racing is supported by celebrities such as Richard Branson and Leonardo DiCaprio. As for drivers, there are sons and nephews of ex-F1 drivers.
Enjoy reading and learning about this new formula of racing.

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