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Topic Reading-Vol.873-9/1/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Many Indians turning to meat as their wallets grow fatter
Is adding chicken to vegetarian menu healthier diet than pure vegetarianism? As you know, fat-removed chicken is white meat that provides more protein than what the same amount of any vegetable does. And more Indians eat chicken as they become wealthier these days. But is it easy for vegetarians to add chicken to their menu? For young people who have more chance to encounter and interact with others with different customs, it seems natural to try tasting new food, and chicken is just one of them.
If you think of the population of India, which is estimated to be the top of the world list within a few years, chicken may be wise food menu because its less expensive to produce and less harmful to the environment.
Enjoy reading and learning how vegetarians are turning into vegetarians with chicken.

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