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Topic Reading-Vol.801-6/21/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
What it takes to succeed in China?
Face-saving and relationships seem to be some of the most significant cultural characteristics you need to understand when it comes to establishing a new business in China.
For example, “Mei Wenti”, no problem in English, is a phrase often heard when you raise a problematic issue or concern to a Chinese counterpart. When you hear this, you may want to suspect something is wrong in the issue or process. Even so, you’d better not regard the person insincere or dishonest. It is better not to directly dig the issue at the moment but to keep it in your mind and deal with it later or in a different occasion. You’ve got to save his or her face.
Another issue you may want to understand and respect is Gunaxi, the basic dynamic in personalized networks of influence, relation and connection in Chinese society. It is essential to respect your Chinese counterpart persons and try your best to establish good relation with them. It’ll take some time, meals and drinks and even songs to build such relationship but once it is built, it could be more assuring and valuable than contracts or agreement on the paper.
Sounds complicating, doesn’t it? Enjoy reading and learning what it would take to start a business relationship in China.

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