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Topic Reading-Vol.792-6/12/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Obama outlines foreign policy vision of 'might and right'
Whether to use the world largest and strongest military force seems to be one of the most difficult decisions to make for the President of the U.S. Such decision may be similar to one for American gun owners when they encounter a situation that threatens their or their family’s safety.
But how much effort and how many other options have been sought and tried before mobilizing the military force? Military actions sometimes discussed as if it were a monetary actions. If one has extra money, it could be used or wasted unwisely. People are tempted to use what they have, either money or might. But money or might should be the last, or the least preferred option to solve any problem because once it is used, more may be needed.
Enjoy reading and learning how difficult to own and use military power effectively.

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