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Topic Reading-Vol.797-6/17/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Why Online Education May Drive Down the Cost of Your Degree
Are you paying the tuition for the cost, name or value of education? It is astonishing to know that the cost of online higher education varies as much as ten times. While some online courses offer economically friendly tuitions, others charge the same tuitions as their on-ground degree courses. What makes such differences?
Some budget conscious online courses outsource some of their instructors and grading processes. Others don’t even have on-ground campus or facilities such as library, gym or toilets.
On the other hand, premium online education courses claim that students are taught by the same faculty. They also say the cost of producing quality online programs is not the same as the ones posted on YouTube.
Which would be your choice? On-line or on-ground, face-to-face or click-by-click, on-demand or on-schedule?
Enjoy reading and learning the benefits and drawbacks of online education.

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