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Topic Reading-Vol.745-4/26/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Roasted plantain, fried pastries and sheep's head: African street food
Organic, fresh and healthy food within reach. People in undeveloped or under-developed areas, in western standards, in Africa usually eat healthy local foods that are grown, harvested, transported and sold locally as there usually is a little to no refrigeration available. Fruits and vegetables picked in the morning, fresh meat of goat that was alive until moment ago or still-moving fish caught in a local river or lake.
It may require some courage or immediate appetite to try some of the local street foods in Africa but some of them seem to be worth trying. Street foods usually are most common and popular foods because they are usually made and sold in places where people go by regularly. You can’t cheat or sell something that doesn’t satisfy those regulars.
Enjoy seeing the photos of local African foods that were taken by western visitors.

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