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Topic Reading-Vol.720-4/1/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
China baby hatch suspended after hundreds abandoned
In just a month and a half, 262 babies have lost their parents. That’s nearly six babies a day. And all of those babies have some form of illnesses, such as Down’s syndrome and heart disease.
One of the 25 newly opened one baby shelters in China, or baby hatch they say, was temporarily closed to new babies because of the overwhelming number of babies have been left to their hands. But they had no choice but to suspend accepting new babies to care the ones already in their hands.
Baby shelter is a highly controversial issue. Supporters say it’ll help number of unfortunate babies from being left on the streets. Critics argue that it’ll encourage parents abandon their babies too easily. But when they found that all the 262 abandoned babies have some illness, what their argument will be? Is that because of the one-child policy or availability affordable medical care? How many of the 262 babies could have been left on the street or still kept in their parents hands?
Enjoy reading and thinking what the effects of the baby shelter are.

Also, enjoy reading the original news of this baby shelter, "China expands abandoned baby hatch scheme." 

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