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Topic Reading-Vol.741-4/22/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Copenhagen Zoo kills 4 lions, weeks after shooting giraffe
A highly disputed and controversial culling of a young giraffe, Marius, was reported in MEL School’s Topic Reading Vol.684 on February 24th.
This time, four lions were euthanized in the same zoo for the same purpose of maintaining its sound and healthy population.
According to the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria, which manages 345 zoos and aquariums across Europe, such intended killings are quite popular and routine practices among their institutions.
If that is the case, which is the victim, the euthanized lions or the zoo that keeps its operation transparent?
Enjoy reading and thinking if a culling, whether it’s a euthanasia or not, is a good way or the only option to maintain sound and healthy population of zoo animals.
By the way, are those the lions that ate poor Marius?

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