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Topic Reading-Vol.559-10/22/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Crocodiles disappearing as dinner in Jamaica.
Crocs are in danger! Like other endangered species, humans are the most vicious and threatening predator to them, despite the fact that most of those who hunt or eat crocs have other menus to enjoy at the table. In other words, it’s for leisure eating not for nutrition to live.
Why aren’t they protected? Yes, they are. But setting a law doesn’t necessarily mean that it is enforced or obeyed. Actually, poachers make money by hunting and selling protected animals to those value them, such as elephants’ tusks for ivory and sharks’ fins for Chinese delicacy.
Enjoy reading and learning about another endangered species in Indonesia and people who are trying to save them.

If you’re interested in learning the difference between the crocodile and alligator, visit this site.

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