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Topic Reading-Vol.556-10/19/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
'Tobacco-free' plan for Republic of Ireland.
Health is undoubtedly one of the most conscious issues these days. You can see numbers of something-free signs on the shelves such as fat-free, sugar-free, sodium-free or caffeine-free. Smoking-free is another big trend throughout the world and Ireland is one of the leading societies to reduce smoking related diseases and deaths. It introduced a total ban on smoking not only in workplaces but also pubs and clubs in 2004.
Is it really reasonable to ban something that humans have long been enjoying?
Smokers argue that although they have higher risks to suffer smoking related diseases and eat health care costs, they contribute the society by paying torturously high tax on cigarettes and tobaccos.
Enjoy reading and learning how a small island country is trying to deal with a still-popular human habit.

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