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Topic Reading-Vol.547-10/10/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
New Kindle Fires get faster, add personal support.
As the sales of tablet PCs are expected to pass that of PCs during this quarter for the first time ever, some new models and services are being introduced for the holiday season.
One of them is a live customer/user support who not only answers your questions or gives you information you need but also helps or guides you to do what you want.
Another feature that might enhance your pleasure is to get you related information you might be interested to know while watching a movie or TV show, such as the list of actors of the program you are seeing, lyrics of the song you’re listening to. You no longer need to look up the information you want to find. It’ll be on the display just by a tap!
Enjoy reading and learning about new features and services that the world largest online retailer offers.

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