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Topic Reading-Vol.291-1/27/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Spain unemployment rate hit a record: youth rate at 55%.
If one out of four who wants to have a job, or six million adults out of 47 million of the country’s overall population, are unemployed at the end of the year, what kind of Christmas and New Year were celebrated? To make the picture looks even worse, as high as 55% of the youth between the age of 16 and 24 are unable to find their jobs in the debt-stricken European country. If you were a university student who is about to finish your education but is unable to speak foreign language other than your native one, what would be your course of action?
Are you willing to learn a language that could offer a better chance to be employed or to be innovative and take initiative to start a new business?
Enjoy reading and learning about the situation in Europe.

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