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Topic Reading-Vol.276-1/12/2013

Topic Reading-Vol.276-1/12/2013
Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Half of all food 'thrown away' claims report.
A staggering research shows that nearly a half of the food produced is wasted on the globe at some point, not harvested because of the outlook, lost or damaged during the transport or storage, or simply wasted in consumption.
Furthermore, if you think about how much water to grow or produce those wasted food, this world is wasting too much while a lot of people in Africa are starving even now. When you think of the number of mouths this world will need to feed in the middle of this century, when the population is going to add another two billion or 30% of what there are now, this level of waste needs to be reduced.
Enjoy reading and learning about how inefficient and thoughtless humans are or how much we can or must do now and the future.

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