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Topic Reading-Vol.4514-9/2/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers, 
Why Gen Z & Millennials are hung up on answering the phone
When voice calls were the primary tool for non-face-to-face communication, people would pick up the phone immediately when it rang even without knowing who the caller was. When mobile phones became popular, younger people preferred messaging to calling mainly because it was much cheaper than calling. Ever since smartphones took over dumbphones, people started using their fingers on the screen much more than talking with their ears and mouths. Now, young people who have grown up with smartphones are so used to texting or posting photos and images that many of them don’t even answer calls or check voicemails. Indeed, phone calls can be disturbing because it is made at the caller’s discretion and convenience, and the receiver might not want to be disrupted what they have been doing. In the meantime, some prefer phone calls because they feel more intimate when they are called or they can enjoy real-time interaction with the caller. It seems that we should respect what communication method the receiver prefers before ringing their phones.
Read the article and learn about how younger people want to be communicated.

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